Center for Community Transportation

Center for Community Transportation


Center for



At the Center for Community Transportation, we envision a community where travel by shared and active transportation is healthy, safe, affordable, and convenient for all.

CCT's mission-focused services and activities include Ithaca Carshare, Bike Walk Tompkins (and its signature program Streets Alive! Ithaca), and Ithaca Bikeshare, emphasizing social equity and environmental sustainability in this era of new transportation options and emerging mobility trends.

CCT works with local transportation providers, educators, planners, decision-makers, advocates, and users to fulfill our mission of enhancing transportation access in our community while reducing its negative environmental and economic impacts. We work toward a dynamic and collaborative transportation sector that effectively identifies, advocates for, and provides solutions that serve our entire community.

News & Updates

4/3/2024 | We’re Hiring an Executive Director!

The CCT is looking for our next leader. Could it be you? Please see the full job description here!

9/1/2023 | Ithaca Bikeshare is Hiring!
Ithaca Bikeshare is hiring a part-time Bike Mechanic!

7/28/2023 | Backup Ride Home Program Transition to GO ITHACA
The Backup Ride Home program is no longer operational at the CCT as of July 28, 2023. Community Members should enroll in GO ITHACA (free) to access their voucher-based Emergency Ride Home benefit, along with many other local transportation support incentives.

The Backup Ride Home program ran from 2018 - 2023, providing peace of mind for commuters who travel to work without a personal vehicle, facilitating alternate transportation home for commuters if something unexpectedly happens in the middle of a work day that makes their original travel plan unfeasible.

5/1/2023 | Ithaca Carshare to Pause Operations Due to Insurance Struggle
Ithaca Carshare operations are going on pause May 19. We've been unable to secure auto insurance due to a state insurance regulation. Catch up on the issue and read the latest updates here, including how you may be able to help support the passage of a NYS bill that would improve auto insurance options for carsharing and all non-profit organizations in New York.

4/21/2023 | Updated Airborne Infectious Disease Prevention Plan
CCT updated plan

We’re proud to announce the official launch of Ithaca Bikeshare! Check out the website for more information and download the app to get started.

The CCT names Jeff Goodmark as inaugural Director of Micromobility

The CCT signs on with Asian Americans Advancing Justice

The CCT joins local transportation partners in renewed commitment to safe public spaces and in solidarity against structural racism and police violence.

Our Office

803 Cascadilla St (behind the Enterprise building)

PO Box 418

Ithaca, NY 14851

☎️ (607) 793-9578


Contact Us

CCT's mission-focused services and activities include Ithaca Carshare, Bike Walk Tompkins, Streets Alive!, & Ithaca Bikeshare, emphasizing social equity and environmental sustainability in this era of new transportation options and emerging mobility trends.

Notice to all CCT Staff and Job Applicants:
CCT Workplace Posters